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SHARCNET Authors |
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Structural Properties of Atactic Polystyrene Adsorbed onto Solid Surfaces
2011 |
YB Tatek and M Tsige
Soft Matter Physics And Biophysics
Variational Monte Carlo study of Anderson localization in the Hubbard model
2011 |
A. Farhoodfar, R. J. Gooding, and W. A. Atkinson
Condensed Matter Theory
Semiempirical, Hartree-Fock, density functional, and second order Moller-Plesset perturbation theory methods do not accurately predict ionization energies and electron affinities of short- through long-chain [n]acenes
2011 |
S Rayne, K Forest
Computational Physical Organic Chemistry For The Energy And Environmental Sciences
HiTEC: accurate error correction in high-throughput sequencing data
2011 |
L. Ilie, F. Fazayeli, and S. Ilie
Bioinformatics And Computational Biology
SHRiMP2: Sensitive yet practical short read mapping
2011 |
M. David, M. Dzamba, D. Lister, L. Ilie, and M. Brudno
Bioinformatics And Computational Biology
Seeds for effective oligonucleotide design
2011 |
L Ilie, S. Ilie, S. Khoshraftar, and A. Mansouri-Bigvand
Bioinformatics And Computational Biology
SpEED: fast computation of sensitive spaced seeds
2011 |
L. Ilie, S. Ilie, and A. Mansouri Bigvand
Bioinformatics And Computational Biology
A natural abundance 25Mg solid-state NMR study of layered magnesium phosphates
2011 |
J. Zhu, Y. Huang
NMR spectroscopy and porous materials
Natural abundance solid-state 67Zn NMR characterization of microporous zinc phosphites and zinc phosphates at ultrahigh magnetic field
2011 |
A. Sutrisno, L. Liu, J. Xu, Y. Huang
NMR spectroscopy and porous materials
Manipulation of Liquid Crystals By An Orienting Force in MD Simulations
2011 |
C. D. Daub, N. M. Cann
Chiral Fluids And Interfaces
How Are Completely Desolvated Ions Produced in Electrospray Ionization: Insights from Molecular Dynamics Simulations
2011 |
C. D. Daub, N. M. Cann
Chiral Fluids And Interfaces
Proline-based chiral stationary phases: A molecular dynamics study of the interfacial structure
2011 |
M. Ashtari, N.M. Cann
Chiral Fluids And Interfaces
Traveling waves and conservation laws for complex MKdV-type equations
2011 |
S C Anco, M Mohiuddin, T Wolf
Computer Algebra, Knot Theory, Computer Go
Hydroxyphenyl- and Octoxyphenyl-substituted D ipyrazinylpyridine Complexes of Ruthenium(II), Iron(II) and Nickel(II)
2011 |
Christopher Dares, Tharsini Manivannan, Pierre G. Potvin and A. B. P. Lever
Inorganic Chemistry
Prediction of Imminent Species' Extinction in EcoSim
2011 |
Hosseini M., Gras R.
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning
Relaxed complex scheme suggests novel inhibitors for the lyase activity of DNA polymerase beta
2011 |
Khaled Barakat and Jack Tuszynski
Kinetics and Mechanisms of the Reactions of Transient Silylenes with Amines
2011 |
S. S Kostina, T. Singh, and W. J. Leigh
Reactive Intermediates In Organic And Organometallic Chemistry
Infrared species limited data tomography through Tikhonov reconstruction
2011 |
K. J. Daun
optical gas imaging, laser-based nanoparticle diagnostics, hyperspectral imaging
Conservation Laws and Symmetries of Quasilinear Wave Equations in multi-dimensions I: Radial formulation
2011 |
S C Anco, S MacNaughton, T Wolf
Computer Algebra, Knot Theory, Computer Go
Interplay between charge and vibrational delocalization in cationic helium clusters
2011 |
F. Calvo, F.Y. Naumkin, D.J. Wales
Molecular Complexes, Clusters - structures, stabilities, spectra, reactions