Press Releases

Josh Findley, member of the Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search (GIMPS) project, has discovered the largest known prime number. It is nearly a million digits larger than the previous largest known prime number, and belongs to a special class of rare prime numbers called Mersenne primes.

On April 28, 2004 the SHARCNET-HP Academic-Industry Forum will bring together academic and industrial leaders from across Southern Ontario to share cutting-edge research and development initiatives and explore opportunities for public-private sector collaboration.

SHARCNET is pleased to welcome Barbara Autterson to the position of Administrative Assistant, effective today. Barbara was formerly an Administrative Assistant in the Student Services Department at Medicine Hat College in Alberta, and brings to this position considerable experience in administrative processes.

As the result of a grant from the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI), SHARCNET will soon be one of Canada’s most powerful High Performance Computing (HPC) institutes.

In March 2004, SHARCNET will launch an annual outreach campaign entitled “EXCELerate”. A calendar of activities, from workshops and training to open houses and special events, will reach out to new and existing users and educate a broader community on the uses and importance of HPC to research.

On January 23, the SHARCNET community celebrated Canadian research excellence and the people, institutions, organizations and government agencies that make it possible.

We are pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Hugh Couchman as Scientific Director for SHARCNET. Dr. Couchman, Professor, Physics & Astronomy, McMaster University, has been a significant contributor to SHARCNET over the last few years, being one of the original grant writers and founders of the organization.