Publication: Computer simulation of cavity pair distribution functions of hard spheres in a hard slit pore

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Title Computer simulation of cavity pair distribution functions of hard spheres in a hard slit pore
Authors/Editors* W.R. Smith and H. L. Vortler
Where published* Molecular Physics
How published* Journal
Year* 2003
Volume 101
Pages 805-815
We describe efficient Monte Carlo computer simulation techniques to calculate conditional distribution functions for pairs of hard-sphere (HS) cavities in a hard slit pore of width L, n*(z1,z2,r), and use these as an efficient route to calculating the corresponding dimensionless excess chemical potentials mu^e(z1,z2r). zi is the distance of an HS centre from a (specified) wall and r is the distance between the cavity centres. This is the first calculation of such functions, which are of interest in their own right and provide data for the testing of theories, in addition to providing data for a simple model for the infinite dilution behaviour of a polyatomic solute in a simple molecularly confined solvent. Results are presented for special cases for the cavity functions n*(z1,z2,r) which occur when the spheres are in the same plane, when the line of sphere centres is perpendicular to the walls, and when the spheres are in contact. We compare results obtained using the Kirkwood superposition approximation in conjunction with results obtained from the computer simulation data using the first member of the BGY integral equation hierarchy. The approximation is found to be exact in certain limiting geometrical situations, but in general is quantitatively poor.
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