Publication: Some University Teaching and Research Applications using ACIS

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Title Some University Teaching and Research Applications using ACIS
Authors/Editors* Peng Wu, Robert Fleisig, Allan Spence
Where published* Spatial 3D Insider's Summit 2003
How published* None
Year* 2003
Volume 0
Number 0
Keywords solid modeling, parallel computing, machining simulation
This presentation was delivered at the annual Spatial ACIS 3D Insider's Summit in Westminster, Colorado. It is sponsored by Spatial Technology Inc., the developers of the ACIS solid modeler that is the core of Computer Aided Design software such as CADKEY, AutoCAD, etc. It is attended by academics, national laboratory scientists, and commercial software developers. The presented material covered use of ACIS for parallel machining simulation. This is work that is being done with the SHARCNET computers at McMaster University.
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