Press Releases
(posted Tuesday February 09 2016, 11:15)
Compute Canada has announced the launch of its cloud development environment. This service will enable researchers to meet some of today’s advanced research computing challenges with increased flexibility, the ability to customize virtual machines to unique needs, no job queues, and the ability to work interactively. The Compute Canada Cloud encompasses over 1,200 cores in two environments – east cloud and west cloud – with almost 15,000GB of combined RAM, and runs on OpenStack, a commonly used open-source platform. It will accommodate both data and computationally intensive projects, and its outward facing IP address will enable data sharing and collaboration. More Info |
(posted Thursday February 04 2016, 09:43)
SHARCNET is pleased to announce the results of its Round VII Dedicated Programming Support competition. The primary objectives of this program are to enable key research projects with the potential for exceptional and lasting impact that require significant programming support to proceed, and facilitate optimal exploitation of SHARCNET’s or Compute Canada’s computing infrastructure for internationally leading research. In this Round, programmer allocations have been made to the following researchers:
SHARCNET plans to run another competition in 2016. Please visit our DP website for more information. Congratulations to our Round VII awardees! |
(posted Thursday January 28 2016, 13:58)
The Commission on Computational Physics (C20) of IUPAP seeks nominations for its 2016 Young Scientist Prize in Computational Physics. Nominees should have a minimum of 8 years of research experience following their PhD and should be the principal performer of original work of outstanding scientific quality in Computational Physics. Nominations should be emailed to Professor Hai-Qing Lin by March 31, 2016. |
(posted Tuesday January 26 2016, 13:29)
On June 19 – 22, 2016, Compute Canada and WestGrid will be co-hosting HPCS 2016 alongside CANHEIT 2016 in Edmonton, AB. They will partner with CUCCIO and the University of Alberta to bring together two national conferences for a unique joint event. CANHEIT | HPCS 2016 will be Canada’s largest gathering of campus IT leaders and advanced research computing experts and researchers. The conference theme, Shaping the Digital Landscape, will explore how technology and computing is changing the way we teach, learn, research and discover. CANHEIT | HPCS 2016 is now accepting submissions for consideration in its event program. Submissions will be accepted until March 31, 2016. The deadline for poster submissions has been extended to May 13, 2016. If you have questions, please email More info |
(posted Thursday January 21 2016, 16:16)
Compute Canada announces the 343 recipients of its 2016 computing and storage allocations competitions, known as the Resource Allocation Competition (RAC) and the Research Platforms and Programs (RPP) competition. The projects represent a diverse range of science areas and benefits to Canadians, from research in text analytics to brain imaging simulations to developments in green energy production to spacecraft design. Advanced research computing (ARC) and research data management tools are essential components for today’s modern research requirements. Access to these resources and expert support are key to producing world-class results. “Each year the allocation process has become more competitive as demand for our resources continues to grow beyond existing capacity, and this year was no different,” said Dugan O’Neil, Compute Canada Chief Science Officer. Compute Canada received a total of 366 applications from research projects across the country. Compared to 2015, this year’s applications on average requested 16% more computing resources, 34% more storage, and 123% more GPU computing resources. More info |
(posted Thursday January 14 2016, 12:49)
Compute Canada is partnering with the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) to launch the first ever Human Dimensions Open Data Challenge. This challenge, led by social sciences and humanities researchers, will see research teams compete against one another using open-data sets to develop systems, processes, or fully-functional technology applications that address the human dimensions to key challenges in the natural resources and energy sectors. The Ontario Centres of Excellence, and ThinkData Works have also partnered on this project to provide additional resources and support. More info |
(posted Tuesday December 22 2015, 13:38)
Compute Canada launched its second round of consultations with Canada’s researchers and research-intensive institutions to develop the Sustainable Planning for Advanced Research Computing Phase II (SPARC2). Compute Canada is asking for feedback from the broad research community on its data storage requirements and high performance computing needs over the next five years. Here is how to get involved and help shape advanced research computing (ARC) services in Canada:
After the completion of SPARC2, Compute Canada will be releasing its findings on the future needs and growth for research in Canada. More info |
(posted Tuesday December 15 2015, 10:25)
SHARCNET is updating its website. We will be refreshing the look, updating and reorganizing some of the content, and plan to make the site more user and mobile friendly. Please help us improve our website by completing a brief survey so you can share how you experience our website and provide suggestions for improvement. Those who complete the survey and provide their contact information will be included in our prize draw. |