Publication: Center Manifold Analysis of a Point-Vortex Model of Vortex Shedding with Control

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Title Center Manifold Analysis of a Point-Vortex Model of Vortex Shedding with Control
Authors/Editors* B. Protas
Where published* Physica D
How published* Journal
Year* 2007
Volume 228
Pages 179-187
Publisher Elsevier
In this paper we use methods of dynamical systems theory to provide a precise mathematical characterization of the behavior of the point vortex F¨oppl system with linear feedback control. The F¨oppl system was used in an earlier investigation as a simple model for control design of vortex shedding and numerical studies indicated that the state of the controlled system converges to a closed orbit. In this investigation we prove rigorously that this observed behavior in fact represents periodic oscillations on the center manifold of the closed–loop nonlinear system. This manifold is shown to coincide with the uncontrollable subspace of the linearized system.
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