Publication: Monte Carlo estimation of transverse and longitudinal correlation functions in the O(4) model

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Title Monte Carlo estimation of transverse and longitudinal correlation functions in the O(4) model
Authors/Editors* J. Kaupužs, R.V.N. Melnik, J. Rimšāns
Where published* Physics Letters A
How published* Journal
Year* 2010
Volume 374
Pages 1943-1950
Keywords Monte Carlo simulation, n-Component vector models, Magnetization and susceptibility, Correlation functions, Goldstone mode singularities
Monte Carlo simulations of the three-dimensional O(4) model in the ordered phase are performed to study the Goldstone mode effects. Our data show a distinct scaling region, where the Fourier-transformed transverse correlation function behaves as 1/k^lambda with lambda < 2 (lambda about 1.95), in disagreement with the standard theoretical prediction lambda = 2.

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