Publication: Higher order expansion of Keldysh integral for hydrogen atom and H2+ molecular ion

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Title Higher order expansion of Keldysh integral for hydrogen atom and H2+ molecular ion
Authors/Editors* Z. J. Long, W.-K. Liu
Where published* Journal of Modern Optics
How published* Journal
Year* 2011
Volume 58
Number 13
Pages 1141-1148
Publisher Taylor & Francis
Keywords strong eld ionization; asymptotic expansion; molecular ion; residue theorem; LCAO; saddle point; method of steepest descent
In this paper we provide a systematic method of nding the higher order asymptotic expansion of the Keldysh integral using the hydrogen atom as an example. Comparisons with exact numerical integration shows that the second order correction improves the the rst order results signi cantly. We extend this method to molecular ionization in H2+ and calculate the total ionization rate. The results are in good agreement with the exact solution of the time dependent Schrodinger equation.
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