Publication: Challenges to Evidence-Based Prescribing in Clinical Practice

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Title Challenges to Evidence-Based Prescribing in Clinical Practice
Authors/Editors* M. Mamdani, A. Ching, B. Golden, M. Melo, U. Menzefricke
Where published* The Annals of Pharmacotherapy
How published* Journal
Year* 2008
Volume 42
Number 5
Pages 704-707
Keywords clinical practice, evidence-based prescribing, pharmacy practice
Although there appears to be widespread support of evidence-based medicine as a basis for rational prescribing, the challenges to it are significant and often justified. A multitude of factors other than evidence drive clinical decision-making, including patient preferences and social circumstances, presence of disease– drug and drug–drug interactions, clinical experience, competing demands from more pressing clinical conditions, marketing and promotional activity, and system level drug policies.
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