Publication: Aqueous phase hydration and hydrate acidity of perfluoroalkyl and n:2 fluorotelomer aldehydes

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Title Aqueous phase hydration and hydrate acidity of perfluoroalkyl and n:2 fluorotelomer aldehydes
Authors/Editors* S Rayne, K Forest
Where published* Nature Precedings
How published* Other
Year* 2010
Publisher Nature Publishing Group
Keywords hydration; hydrate acidity; perfluoroalkyl aldehydes; fluorotelomer aldehydes
Perfluoroalkyl aldehydes (PFAlds) and n:2 fluorotelomer aldehydes (FTAlds) are degradation products of precursor compounds that include fluorotelomer alcohols, iodides, acrylates, phosphate esters, and other derivatives, as well as hydrofluorocarbons and hydrochlorofluorocarbons. The SPARC software program and comparative density functional theory (DFT) calculations were used to investigate the aqueous phase hydration equilibrium constants (Khyd) of PFAlds and FTAlds. DFT studies suggest that all PFAlds will be dominantly present as the hydrated form in aqueous solution. While SPARC correctly estimates the Khyd for the C1 PFAld, it appears to incorrectly predict a large decline in Khyd (particularly between C1 and C2) with increasing perfluoroalkyl chain length for this class of compounds. Both SPARC and DFT investigations suggest that FTAlds will not likely be substantially hydrated in aquatic systems or in vivo. Using corrected SPARC estimates, PFAld hydrates are expected to have pKa values in the range of phenols (ca. 9 to 10), whereas n:2 FTAld hydrates are expected to have pKa values ca. 2 to 3 units higher (ca. 12 to 13). Where relevant, the molecular and/or dissociated hydrate forms of PFAlds and FTAlds need to be explicitly considered in environmental, toxicological, and waste treatment investigations.
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