Publication: Exact Results for the Bipartite Entanglement Entropy of the AKLT spin-1 chain

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Title Exact Results for the Bipartite Entanglement Entropy of the AKLT spin-1 chain
Authors/Editors* Scott D. Geraedts, Erik S. Sorensen
Where published* Journal of Physics A
How published* Journal
Year* 2010
Volume 43
Pages 185304
Publisher IOP
We study the entanglement between two domains of a spin-1 AKLT chain subject to open boundary conditions. In this case the ground-state manifold is four-fold degenerate. We summarize known results and present additional exact analytical results for the von Neumann entanglement entropy, as a function of both the size of the domains and the total system size for all four degenerate ground-states. In the large l,L limit the entanglement entropy approaches ln(2) and 2ln(2) for the S^z_T=+-1 and S^z_T=0 states, respectively. In all cases, it is found that this constant is approached exponentially fast defining a length scale xi=1/ln(3) equal to the known bulk correlation length.
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