Publication: Emergent Continuum Spacetime from a Random, Discrete, Partial Order

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Title Emergent Continuum Spacetime from a Random, Discrete, Partial Order
Authors/Editors* D. Rideout, P. Wallden
Where published* arxiv/gr-qc
How published* Other
Year* 2008
Keywords causal sets, quantum gravity, combinatorics, Cactus
There are several indications (from different approaches) that Spacetime at the Plank Scale could be discrete. One approach to Quantum Gravity that takes this most seriously is the Causal Sets Approach. In this approach spacetime is fundamentally a discrete, random, partially ordered set (where the partial order is the causal relation). In this contribution, we examine how timelike and spacelike distances arise from a causal set (in the case that the causal set is approximated by Minkowski spacetime), and how one can use this to obtain geometrical information (such as lengths of curves) for the general case, where the causal set could be approximated by some curved spacetime.
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