Publication: Aster formation and rupture transition in semi-flexible fiber networks with mobile cross-linkers

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Title Aster formation and rupture transition in semi-flexible fiber networks with mobile cross-linkers
Authors/Editors* Jan A. Aström, P.B S. Kumar, M. Karttunen
Where published* submitted to Soft Matter
How published* Journal
Year* 2008
Keywords actin flaments, elastcity, cytoskeleton
Fibrous active network structures whose properties are regulated by motor proteins, or simply motors, are fundamental to life. Here, a full elastic and three dimensional model for such networks and motors is presented. The effects of surface anchoring are accounted for and we demonstrate that for unidirectional motors two basic contractile phases emerge in these systems. The transition is governed by a single parameter which is the ratio of the breaking strain and the motility limiting strain of the motors. We also show that the distribution of energy on the motors is a power law with the exponent −0.5.
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