Publication: Monte Carlo test of the Goldstone mode singularity in 3D XY model

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Title Monte Carlo test of the Goldstone mode singularity in 3D XY model
Authors/Editors* J. Kaupužs, R. V. N. Melnik, J. Rimshans
Where published* Eur. Phys. J. B
How published* Journal
Year* 2007
Volume 55
Pages 363-370
Keywords Classical spin models, Monte Carlo methods
Monte Carlo simulations of magnetisation and susceptibility in 3D XY model have been per-formed for system sizes up to L = 384 (remarkably exceeding the maximal size L = 160 considered in earlier published papers) and fields h ≥ 0.0003125 at two different coupling constants in the ordered phase. We have examined the theoretical prediction of the Gaussian spin wave theory and shown that the Gaussian spin wave theory below the critical temperature is a quite good approximation, although not asymptotically exact, just like at the critical point.
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