Publication: New calculations for heavy-ion collisions with super-critical fields

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Title New calculations for heavy-ion collisions with super-critical fields
Authors/Editors* Edward Ackad and Marko Horbatsch
Where published* Journal of Physics: Conference Series 88 (2007) 012017
How published* Journal
Year* 2007
Volume 88
Pages 012017(1-8)
Publisher Institute of Physics Publishing
Keywords heavy ions, super-critical fields, positron spectra, vacuum decay
An adaptation of the mapped Fourier grid method for the Dirac equation is applied to the problem of positron production in quasi-molecular collisions between fully stripped heavy ions with super-critical Coulomb ¯elds. The resonance parameters for the 1S¾ vacancy which dives into the ¯lled negative-energy continuum are calculated on the basis of the two similar analytic continuation methods of smooth exterior scaling and complex absorbing potential with Pad¶e extrapolation. Previous results in monopole approximation for the U-Cf system as a function of internuclear separation are extended to a coupled-channel approximation to investigate resonance broadening. Calculations for dynamical positron production on the basis of the time-dependent Dirac equation for U-U collisions with arti¯cially delayed nuclear trajectories are also presented, and explanations for the observed positron spectrum are provided.
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