Publication: Platypus: A platform for distributed answer set solving

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Title Platypus: A platform for distributed answer set solving
Authors/Editors* Gressmann J., T. Janhunen, R. E. Mercer, T. Schaub, S. Thiele, and R. Tichy
Where published* Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Logic Programming and Non-monotonic Reasoning (LPNMR'2005), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, v. 3662
How published* Proceedings
Year* 2005
Volume 3662
Pages 227-239
Publisher Springer
We propose a model to manage the distributed computation of answer sets within a general framework. This design incorporates a variety of software and hardware architectures and allows its easy use with a diverse cadre of computational elements. Starting from a generic algorithmic scheme, we develop a platform for distributed answer set computation, describe its current state of implementation, and give some experimental results.
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