Publication: A theoretical model for microstructure evolution in magnetic shape memory alloys during martensitic transformations

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Title A theoretical model for microstructure evolution in magnetic shape memory alloys during martensitic transformations
Authors/Editors* J. Su, V. Stoilov
Where published* Proceedings of the 44th Annual Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science
How published* Proceedings
Year* 2007
This paper presents a model of reorientation of martensitic variants in ferromagnetic shape memory alloys subjected to combined magneto-mechanical loading. The model is similar to the multiscale model introduced by Stoilov(Smart Mat Str, 2007), but allows for complete three dimensional description of the second order phase transformations in FSMA under multiaxial loading. The model shows that phase boundary motion can result in significant deformation and allows estimation of the overall deformation and maximum achievable deformation in a magnetic shape memory material. The tetragonal to tetragonal transformation was simulated using the model and the results are consistent with those available in the literature. The reorientation behavior and macroscopic response of a single crystal subjected to combined magneto-mechanical loading was also simulated and the results show very good agreement with the experimental observations of Karaca et al. (Acta Mat 2006). Thus this model provides a viable tool for exploring the microscale dynamics of martensitic variants and their implications on macroscopic behavior, and may be very valuable in the design of advanced microdevices.
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