Publication: K-Means Clustering as a Speciation Method within an Individual-Based Evolving Predator-Prey Ecosystem Simulation

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Title K-Means Clustering as a Speciation Method within an Individual-Based Evolving Predator-Prey Ecosystem Simulation
Authors/Editors* Aspinal A., Gras R.
Where published* Lecture Notes in Computer Science
How published* Proceedings
Year* 2010
Volume 6335
Pages 318-329
We present a new method for modeling speciation within a previously created individual-based evolving predator-prey ecosystem simulation. As an alternative to the classical speciation mechanism originally implemented, k-means clustering provides a more realistic method for modeling speciation that, among other things, allows for the recreation of the species tree of life. This discussion introduces the k-means speciation, presents the improvements it provides, and compares the new mechanism versus the traditional method of speciation.
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