
Filtered by:  Presentations

Refine results:  SSGC2009

Name Status Effective Expire Last update Format(s) Actions
David Han - hiCUDA: A High-level Directive-based Language for GPU Programming Final 20-May-09 N/A 10:47 AM 30-May-09
by Lucian Ivan (livan)
PDF (869 KB)
Eugene Zima - FPCR (field-programmable chains of recurrences): get it on one cycle ... Final 20-May-09 N/A 09:08 AM 01-Jun-09
by Lucian Ivan (livan)
George Shaker - On the Design of Wireless Hearing Aid Communication Systems using Customized GPUs Final 20-May-09 N/A 09:06 AM 01-Jun-09
by Lucian Ivan (livan)
John Stone - Accelerating Molecular Modeling Applications with GPU Computing Final 20-May-09 N/A 10:51 AM 30-May-09
by Lucian Ivan (livan)
PDF (1.73 MB)
Kevin Browne - Coconut Multicore Framework: Static Analysis Assisted Scheduling Final 20-May-09 N/A 11:27 AM 30-May-09
by Lucian Ivan (livan)
PDF (779 KB)
Michael McCool -RapidMind Accelerating Medical Imaging Final 20-May-09 N/A 11:27 AM 30-May-09
by Lucian Ivan (livan)
PDF (2.4 MB)
Michael Perrone - Finding Oil with Cells: Seismic Imaging Using a Cluster of Cell Processors Final 20-May-09 N/A 09:03 AM 01-Jun-09
by Lucian Ivan (livan)
Nathan Bell - Efficient Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication on CUDA Final 20-May-09 N/A 10:52 AM 30-May-09
by Lucian Ivan (livan)
PDF (575 KB)
Paul Woodward - Computational Fluid Dynamics on the Los Alamos Roadrunner Machine Final 20-May-09 N/A 09:09 AM 01-Jun-09
by Lucian Ivan (livan)
Rodolfo Esteves - Quasi-Monte Carlo particle filters on multi-core architectures Final 20-May-09 N/A 09:05 AM 01-Jun-09
by Lucian Ivan (livan)
PDF (292 KB)
Scott Rostrup - Simulating the Shallow Water Equations on Accelerator Architectures Final 20-May-09 N/A 04:24 PM 03-Jun-09
by Lucian Ivan (livan)
PDF (8.57 MB)
Vladimir Surkov - Parallel Option Pricing with Fourier Space Time-stepping Method on GPUs Final 20-May-09 N/A 10:12 PM 31-May-09
by Lucian Ivan (livan)
PDF (242 KB)

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